How to change all columns' and tables' collation to 'utf8_bin' in MySQL

jira mysql collation utf8_bin

Posted by Dongyupu on August 14, 2018

How to change all columns’ and tables’ collation to ‘utf8_bin’ in MySQL

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Find database, database tables, and database columns with collations different than the recommended utf8_bin using the below queries. Then, take note of the ones returned for next steps.

SELECT DEFAULT_COLLATION_NAME FROM information_schema.SCHEMATA S WHERE schema_name = '<database-name>' AND DEFAULT_COLLATION_NAME != 'utf8_bin';
SELECT * FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE table_schema = '<database-name>' AND collation_name != 'utf8_bin';
SELECT * FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE table_schema = '<database-name>' AND table_collation != 'utf8_bin';

(info) Replace with the name of the database used by your JIRA application instance.

Step-by-step guide

Always back up your data before performing any modification to the database. If possible, try your modifications on a test server.

Stop your JIRA application; Run the below queries in the application database to alter the database default collation;

ALTER DATABASE <database-name> CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin;

(info) Replace with the name of the database used by your JIRA application instance.

Disable MySQL’s constraint checks, otherwise it won’t allow modifications on the tables;

SET foreign_key_checks = 0;

Alter the collation of a table with the below query;


(info) Replace with the name of a table returned by the second query in the Diagnosis section.

If the above fails, use the below instead;

 ALTER TABLE <table-name> CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin;

If the query for tables set with wrong collation ran on the Diagnostics step returns more than one result, you can run the below steps to generate a set of queries for all affected tables in a file.

(info) The following is an example provided for UNIX platform only.

  1. Generate a file containing the ALTER TABLE queries.
    CONCAT('ALTER TABLE ',  table_name, ' CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin;') INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/alterstatements.sql'
    AND table_collation != 'utf8_bin' 
GROUP BY table_name;
  1. Check if the output file is correct.
cat /tmp/alterstatements.sql
  1. Run the SQL file against the current database.
mysql my_jira_db  < /tmp/alterstatements.sql
After running the query for all affected tables , verify that the queries below now return no results;
SELECT * FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE table_schema = '<database-name>' AND collation_name != 'utf8_bin';
SELECT * FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE table_schema = '<database-name>' AND table_collation != 'utf8_bin';

If the above queries return any results, take note of the tables it returns and execute the below query, which will define the default collation for the table;


Revert the MySQL constraint checks for foreign keys with the below query;

SET foreign_key_checks = 1;